Inductive and InteroperabLe charging Systems for Electric vehicles (IILSE)

Research Project IILSE - Topics and Partners

Scientific Evaluations

  • Inductive Charging
  • Charging Infrastructure between Supply and Demand
    • user acceptance and willingness to pay for inductive charging
    • collaborative fast charging infrastructure in private spaces
  • Services for European E-Roaming
    • communication protocols for inductive charging infrastructure
    • evaluation of system reliable issues for cross-border roaming
    • legal aspects of cross-border roaming and for system services



In the project IILSE the following partners work together:

Center for Applied Law (ZAR)
PD Dr. iur. Oliver Raabe

The Center for Applied Law is the umbrella organization for law at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). ZAR pools the jurisprudential activities of the entire KIT. One of its major pillars is the Institute for Information and Economic Law (IIWR). All law lectures within the university are held at ZAR and advice is given regarding legislative and regulatory projects. Moreover, ZAR informs the interested public about the latest legal developments and sensitizes citizens to new legal issues in order to encourage them to share the relevant socially acceptable solutions. In the recent years, the Chair of Professor Dreier at IIWR has achieved an excellent reputation in the area of electric mobility.


French-German Institute for Environmental Research (DFIU),
Chair for Energy Economics; Prof. Dr. Wolf Fichtner

The major objective at the French-German Institute for Environmental Research is the techno-economic analysis of energy systems and flow patterns for materials and component substances for assessment of strategic and/or environmentally relevant issues. Both national or regional and industrial and household energy systems are investigated. The strategic issues dealt with traditionally include capacity upgrading and scheduling, technology and tool assessment as well as the development of emission reduction strategies.


Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB)
Chair Prof. Dr. Hartmut Schmeck

The central topic of the Efficient Algorithms research group headed by Professor Schmeck at the Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods is the development of methods for the efficient use of modern computer architectures for planning, improving, and executing information, business and manufacturing processes. Special attention is paid to multiply interconnected, adaptive systems which are capable of benefiting from self-organization. Their controllability and efficient use are major objectives of Organic Computing.


Institute of Electric Energy Systems and High-Voltage Technology (IEH)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Leibfried

The Institute of Electric Energy Systems and High-Voltage Technology is one of the oldest institutes of KIT with a rich heritage as a founding member of the faculty of electrical engineering. Until 1989, it was proudly known as the “High-Voltage Institute” with foundations dating back to the late 19th century. Its renaming characterizes the changes in its field of expertise and a new concentration of activities on electrical engineering. The competencies of the IEH are in the fields of electrical power systems and high-voltage engineering.